Monday, December 21, 2009

Reflection on Podcast Sites

It was very interesting to peruse the various sites and try to find a use for its content in my classroom. I did not see an immediate application from Next Vista. Teacher Tube seemed promising in this respect, but the amount of ads was disappointing. I would probably not choose to find anything there due to the time wasted with the advertisements. At School Tube, I searched for Spanish videos and many came up. This was encouraging, until I started viewing them. They consisted mainly of student performances that had been videotaped. Although I could obtain some ideas from the tasks the kids were doing, I wouldn't use the videos in the classroom. As far as You Tube goes, there were lots of resources and it was very easy to navigate and view what I wanted to see. I would definitely use this site, and I already have on several occasions.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reflection 11/27/09

Classroom blogging opens up a whole new area for learning and practice. A major benefit I find to blogging is that it extends contact with the subject matter and class interaction beyond the classroom. It gives students the opportunity and responsibility to work and interact with classmates on the topic beyond the limited meeting times of class.
I have used my moodle site to extend a discussion on a specific topic we were working on (current events: the war in Iraq) and have students give their opinion on the war, in Spanish, and comment on classmates' views, in English.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This blog has been created for the online course I'm taking. I'm looking forward to sharing with colleagues!