Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reflection 2

It has been interesting to learn about various technology tools that are readily available today. Blogs are a great way to express and share views, as well as learn what others are thinking. Podcasts bring in the added element of video and sound. That can be quite useful, depending on the task in question. Wikis are a wonderful collaborative tool that seem to incorporate facets of both blogs and podcasts, but also allows for the creation of a finished product produced collaboratively online by various people. It lends itself easily to research or interdisciplinary assignments where students focus on one aspect and contribute what they learn to the group. Social bookmarking was totally new to me. It is a tool that I will probably utilize more because it allows me to keep track of online resources in an organized and categorized fashion. I can see it being a great resource, especially as I add my own preferred sites.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I enjoyed learning about wikis. There are a lot of potential uses in the educational setting. It is ideal for an interdisciplinary project where classes from diverse subjects can contribute to it! It seems easy to use as a contributor as well as the administrator/teacher.